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Tribal Water Rights – The Road to Securing Water

Posted on: September 8th, 2016
by David Ganje

Tribal Water Rights – The Road to Securing Water
By David L Ganje

“Water is perhaps the most valuable tribal resource remaining and is one of the most significant potential forces of change. The potential size of tribal water rights should not be underestimated.” – Western Water Policy Review Advisory Commission

A Canadian Judge – in making a legal decision — recently recited two important principals of British law, both of which are found in US law. The Judge stated there are two legal maxims, one at common law and the other at the law of equity: First, the law comes to the aid of those who are vigilant, not those who sleep on their rights. Second the legal principle of equity comes to the aid of those who are vigilant, not those who sleep on their rights. Upper Great Plains tribes today must be vigilant in obtaining reserved but yet undetermined water rights. This involves two choices. Litigation or negotiation. In this article I argue that the Upper Great Plains tribes should undertake first, active, public and aggressive negotiation, and then if unsuccessful, litigation to recover water rights. But for the current water rights negotiation by the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, reserve language found in the successful Mni Wiconi Rural Water Supply Project and language found in some tribal water codes, Upper Great Plains tribes have not taken an official position with the BIA claiming reserved water rights. This silence is a mistake. My argument is this: treaties and case law have given Upper Great Plains tribes a property right, which is a right to use and access groundwater and surface water. However Upper Great Plains tribes have not fully sought and claimed that right. Both groundwater and surface water reserved rights must be championed by Upper Great Plains tribes.

While Standing Rock has taken the first step in opening negotiations with the State of South Dakota and North Dakota on the matter of water rights, the US Department of Interior has yet failed to assign a representative from its Indian water rights division to participate in these negotiations. Standing Rock is taking the right action; it is putting on the table the reservation’s water claims and doing it in a serious forum. Standing Rock has not by these negotiations abrogated its claims, and will preserve the tribe’s water rights throughout the negotiations without prejudice to its right to refuse any proposed terms or accept any proposed settlement terms. Having recognized this strategically proper first step by the tribe it is important to disclose the failure of the Department of Interior to participate in the negotiations. The DOI’s failure to participate in the ongoing talks is wrong and contradicts that department’s statutory duties regarding Indian tribes in the US. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell, who has publicly stated the administration’s commitment to resolving water rights, should immediately direct a staff person to actively participate in these water talks.

Some tribes have not yet adopted tribal water codes – legal guides for the tribal community for the management and use of water. Tribes should consider the creation of an official water code as a relevant step to securing water rights. Some tribes may have to amend the tribal constitution in order to properly pass a tribal water code. But it is worth the effort.

Tribal rights to water is a treaty right. It cannot be lost through non-assertion. Indian reserved water rights may be asserted at any time, cannot be lost by nonuse, and are assigned priority dates based on the date for the establishment of reservation. In legal theory the loss of water rights would require abrogation by a tribe or the federal government before the rights could be extinguished. Such an abrogation is in reality irrelevant because this has not and will not happen. Abrogation is not therefore the issue at hand.

It is a mistake to assume that any non-Indian interest group or government agency will make efforts to preserve, advocate for or even address these reserved yet undetermined tribal water rights. The US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), for example, recognized in congressional testimony in 2004 that the tribes have claims to reserve water rights. Having taken that position, the Corps nevertheless in 2012 proposed a new program to produce revenue for the US government by selling what it called “surplus water” from Missouri River reservoirs. In proposing this new program for the sale of so-called surplus water the Corps created a 204-page report to support its argument for the proposed project. The Corp’s report provided statistics, projections and data but ignored and failed to discuss the existing water rights of tribes. Indian tribes are not subject to the Corps’ general authority to create or impose surplus water regulations.

It has not proven so historically, and it is not to be expected that non-tribal government agencies, whether trust-based or regulatory, have any strong reason to advance tribal water rights. No politician or bureaucrat will seriously address tribal water rights as long as the institution he represents have unchallenged bureaucratic control over water management. The only change preferred by a bureaucracy-in-charge is a change resulting in an expansion of the bureaucracy’s own power. That has been the case, for example, with the slow accretion of non-Indian interests and water demands placed on existing water in the Missouri River. As time goes on there will be less and less water to claim.

The Corp’s recent surplus money project is an example of an agency asserting itself over available water. It matters not whether the available water is called surplus water, water behind a damn, groundwater, or instream flows. A claim was made to the water. The claim did not exist before the Corps did the study and asserted the claim. Had the Corp’s project been successful, that water would have been that much more water taken away and earmarked for management and control by a bureaucracy.
Litigation of reserved water rights is one of the two alternative means to secure water rights discussed in this article. Water rights litigation is a complex, time consuming legal playing field. Much can be achieved, but the time, well known litigation risks and money involved must be kept in mind.

The Crow Creek Reservation recently started water rights litigation in the United States Court of Federal Claims asking for both money damages as well as a request for a ruling quantifying the tribe’s reserved surface water rights to the Missouri River. The Crow Creek complaint calls for money damages, as mentioned, and for a judgment that the tribe is ‘entitled to declaratory and injunctive relief including judgment requiring Defendant (the United States) to establish and measure the reserved water rights held by the tribe, and to quantify the reserved water rights held by the tribe, and to assert water rights on behalf of the tribe and to record legal title to water held in trust for the benefit of the tribe.’

The complaint lists the type of relief that should be requested in reserved water rights litigation. The complaint filed by Crow Creek, however, has problems:

  1. The court in which the complaint was filed does not have full jurisdiction to award the complete relief requested in the complaint. By the reorganization statutes of the Court of Federal Claims is has authority to render declaratory judgments only in matters regarding contract or procurement disputes.
  2. The court is unlikely to get into its main jurisdictional issue: money damages in favor of the tribe. It is unlikely to do this because there is no existing water rights determination or quantification by statute, final decree, or water agreement from which the court could calculate a money damages amount. And, further, the important matter of Indian water rights under the Winter’s doctrine is beyond the general expertise of the Court of Claims.
  3. One of the important requests in the complaint is for injunctive relief. This is also beyond the jurisdiction of the Court of Claims. Bowen v. Massachusetts, 487 U.S. 879, 905 (1988) (“[W]e have stated categorically that ‘the Court of Claims has no power to grant equitable relief.’’
  4. The relevant requests in the Crow Creek complaint are requests for an injunction, for a declaration of rights, for the establishment of water rights and for quantification of water rights. The Court of Claims however has only incidental or collateral jurisdiction over these requests making it unlikely that the court would take on such important, significant and historical remedies.
  5. The complaint does not include a necessary party if it is attempting to finalize tribal surface water rights. The state of South Dakota also has water rights to the river. The state is not named in the lawsuit. The Court of Claims cannot impose duties or obligations regarding water rights or the allocation of the tribe’s claim when a relevant party is not included in the suit.
  6. Any adjudication against or settlement with the United States under the pending complaint would be incomplete as stated in the complaint. Groundwater is an integral part of all Indian reserved water claims. The majority of courts in the United States addressing Indian reserved water rights have acknowledged that Indian reserved water rights also apply to groundwater. The reserved water claims of the Crow Creek reservation, one must assume, also include groundwater. However, the Crow Creek complaint for damages for loss of water resources makes no claim for reserved tribal groundwater rights.

Tribes in the US have found success through water rights negotiations with State and Federal bodies. With an appreciation for the uncertainty of litigation, negotiating is the best first step. Negotiations should be pursued in the following fashion. The master water rights Settlement Agreement should include: an agreement setting forth rights to use and administer waters; and an agreement quantifying reserved water rights for historic and current as well as planned uses; and if there is a specific project planned by a tribe, then that project is to be negotiated and drafted as a separate agreement but integrated as a part of the master Settlement Agreement. Any Settlement Agreement would become effective if the Congress passes a Settlement Act and the President signs the act into law. Once the Settlement Act becomes law, the Secretary of the Interior must execute the Settlement Agreement and the Settlement Contract.

An advantage of multiple party negotiations: actual representatives are present sitting across the table. These face to face negotiations bring out the real differences between the parties without hiding behind silence, animosity or evasive politics. If the negotiated terms do not satisfy the rights of tribes, they are not bound to accept the terms. The final outcome of the negotiations is to be decided by the tribe.

The Snake River Water Settlement Act is a recent example of successful Indian water right’s negotiations. Although the US Senate is not an owíčhota of wisdom and justice, the Senate report discussing the Snake River Water Settlement Act addresses the issue of litigation of water rights versus negotiated water agreements:

“The shortcomings of the general stream adjudication process [this is a fancy phrase for litigation] as a device for water rights dispute resolution have led to an increasing number of agreed-to water rights settlements on streams in the western States where the parties, including Indian tribes, negotiate and compromise among themselves as to quantity, priority dates and other issues, and where the Federal government contributes money to the settlement in order to achieve various goals that could not otherwise be achieved within the confines of a general stream adjudication.”
Sen. Rep. 108-389, at 2-3

The Snake River water agreements provided, among other terms, designated water for a variety of tribal uses on the reservation; recognition of allotment water rights and a due process requirement for tribal regulation of such rights; a right to access and use of springs and fountains on federal lands in off-reservation areas; and instream flow minimums at over two hundred locations. When protecting a people’s rights, it is good to hesitate and think. However, it is not good to hesitate and think and then not act.

Water rights granted to tribes are the most important example in American law of treaty-based reserved rights. Tribes do not however dwell alone in the world of water rights. Tribes should abandon silence on the subject, stick their elbows in the table now and publicly assert their water rights. A tribe cannot secure what it does not itself assert.

Civil Water Wars On The Prairie

Posted on: August 19th, 2016
by David Ganje

A couple of years ago I was invited to speak at the annual Eastern South Dakota Water Conference.  I told the audience that when one reviews natural resources oil is fashionable and gold is sexy but the essential natural resource is water. 

This article discusses a very recent South Dakota case involving water rights and injunctions. Water disputes can be resolved by the legal remedy of injunction. South Dakota law allows courts to grant a standing and continuous injunction, permanently ordering a party to stop an activity. An injunction is usually used where money won’t do the trick. The harmed or affected party in a water dispute is usually the property owner filing the lawsuit. It is his/her decision to request a particular legal remedy which then sets the legal stage. A claim in water disputes is often in trespass or in nuisance. The requested remedy may be for money damages or for an injunction. Some parties seek both an injunction and money damages – that’s what the party did in the new South Dakota case discussed in this article. It should be stated that an ‘injunction’ is a legal remedy. It is not the legal basis for a claim. The South Dakota Supreme Court politely calls these water dispute incidents drainage events.

The law has requirements in order to obtain a permanent injunction. Certain tests apply. Money must not be sufficient as a remedy, or it must be too difficult to determine how much money would be proper. The case under discussion held that permanent injunctions may only be given if one or more of certain specified conditions exist. If it is possible that a harmed party could calculate relief by the payment of money or that the party could prevent future judicial proceedings without the use of an injunction, a permanent injunction cannot be granted.

The South Dakota case arises out of a dispute between two neighbors over surface water flow. Mr. Magner alleged that the Brinkmans were altering their land in such a way that caused water to flow and pool onto Magner’s land. Magner brought suit, requesting money to repair the damages caused by the water flow as well as an injunction forcing the Brinkmans to reverse changes made that led to the water pooling. In the first part of the trial, the jury awarded Magner money to cover damages that already happened. During the lawsuit, Magner revised his claim to request an injunction ordering the Brinkmans to pay for preventative landscaping on Magner’s land. This landscaping was intended to prevent future damages. After considering this new request, the trial court granted Magner’s late request for an injunction, ordering the Brinkmans to pay money to cover the costs of a landscaping plan.

The Brinkmans appealed this decision, arguing that the lower court erred in granting Magner’s revised injunction. The Supreme Court reversed the trial court. The Court reasoned that the injunction was not statutorily authorized – therefore it could not be granted. Magner said that he could use a specific amount of money to prevent future damages. The Court found this to be a case where money relief would be sufficient both to prevent future lawsuits and to make Magner whole. In addition the amount of money was easily determined in the case – the harmed party had proposed a specific dollar amount. The fact that Magner could request an amount of money that would solve the problem and prevent future injury defeated the request for an injunction. The Court said that the Plaintiff’s money damage request as a part of its future damages claim shows that harm to the property could be “easily measured in (money) damages.” In other words, if the harmed party shows his loss in terms of dollars, he is stuck with ‘dollars’ as his remedy.

The American court system, reflecting society, has a predilection for using money damages as a preferred remedy for resolving legal disputes. The preference for requesting money damages is a mistake when a party is considering his legal options in efforts to protect the integrity and value of property while that property sits in harm’s way. How can one translate into ‘money damages’ a future harm to one’s real estate that is imminent and immediate but that has not yet occurred? Further, how can one accurately predict a ‘dollar equivalent’ to property damaged by water flow? The takeaway: if you are the harmed party in a water dispute, think carefully of the remedy you request.  Money is fleeting.

David Ganje practices law in the area of natural resources, environmental and commercial law.

Nuisance as a legal concept is not foreign to the oil patch

Posted on: August 12th, 2016
by David Ganje

Nuisance as a legal concept is not foreign to the oil patch as well as farm country in North Dakota. Producers and property owners should be cognizant of a possible nuisance claim concerning production and development issues. Nuisance is an interference with one’s right to own, possess, or enjoy their land. The law maintains two kinds of nuisances: private and public nuisances. A public nuisance is one that affects the community, neighborhood, or a considerable number of people in an area. A private nuisance is one that affects an individual or group of people from enjoying a right not common to the public.

In a recent decision by Texas Supreme Court, a landowner was found to have grounds to bring a civil claim for nuisance against an owner and operator of a natural gas company. The landowner sold small piece of land adjoining their ranch to the natural gas company. The gas company then built a gas compressor station. Shortly after construction, the landowner complained of loud noise and vibrations coming from the gas compressor station. Even though the natural gas company built walls and took steps to muffle the noise, the landowners brought a lawsuit for nuisance against the gas company.

The Supreme Court of Texas found that even though the landowners had legal sufficiency to make their claim, they did not have enough evidence for the court to rule in their favor. The court mentioned that although the landowners claimed that there was other technology available that could further reduce the noise, the landowners did not provide such evidence. Furthermore, no evidence was presented showing that the gas company operated its equipment negligently, that the efforts the gas company did make to reduce the noise took too long, or that enclosing the generator in a building would actually reduce the noise. So, if you think you have a nuisance on your hands, make sure you have more than enough evidence to support your claims before you do battle.

Although that grain elevator that sits next to your land may be kicking up a lot of dust and creating a racket, there may not be much you could do about it. North Dakota protects its agricultural operations from claims of nuisance once they have been in operation for more than one year. The state defines agricultural operations as the “science and art of producing plants and animals useful to people, by a corporation or a limited liability company.”

The one weakness to the agricultural defence is if the operation is run “negligently.” For example, let’s say a self-employed farmer had issues keeping his hogs to stay in their pens. Over a six-month period, there were 20 reports of his hogs leaving their pens. One incident included a hog that wandered onto the highway and was hit by a car causing several hundred dollars in damage. The court determined that the farmer willfully maintained a public nuisance. As Supreme Court Justice Sutherland once said, “A nuisance may be merely a right thing in the wrong place — like a pig in the parlor instead of the barnyard.”

Once a nuisance is identified, there are a few actions that can be taken to resolve the nuisance. The injured party can bring a civil action. The civil action may result in a court order to stop the actions creating the nuisance or an order to take actions to lessen the nuisance. The injured party may also recover monetary damages.

Have you ever seen those turbines spinning peacefully in the distance as you drive by? Well, they may not be so peaceful if you live next to one. A family bought land adjoining a wind turbine and moved a mobile home onto the lot. After two years of living there, the family complained that the wind turbine was a private nuisance because it created loud noise, violated residential covenants, and supposedly threw chunks of ice into their yard. However, the court determined that the wind generator was not a nuisance. No other neighbors complained about the noise, the noise did not violate any noise ordinances, the wind generator was engineered specifically so that it would not throw ice from its blades, and the developer and residents of the subdivision had abandon the supposed covenants.

An interesting intricacy to North Dakota’s nuisance law has to do with how the state interprets the “coming to the nuisance” doctrine. In some states the doctrine prevents a person from bringing a case against a public or private nuisance if that person moved to an area where a nuisance already existed. In other states, such as North Dakota, it does not prevent the person from bringing a nuisance action but it does serve as a factor for consideration. North Dakota will also consider “what role the alleged nuisance activity has with the general business activities of the community and state,” and whether the activity is aligned with the state’s economic goals. Additionally, North Dakota considers whether the activity is regulated by the government or not. Although these factors can make a case for nuisance uncertain, if you are moving to a nuisance, you have heavy burden of proof to overcome.

North Dakota follows a strict statutory application, but when it comes to determining whether or not a nuisance interfered with your right to possess, use, or enjoy your land, a jury of your peers (including your neighbors) make that determination. So, if you have an issue with one of your neighbors, try to work it out peacefully first. You never know when you may need their help to tackle a nuisance.

Leaky Laws – The Keystone 1 Leak and Oil Spill Liability in South Dakota

Posted on: April 29th, 2016
by David Ganje

Pipelines, even privately owned, are a publically regulated transportation and operating system. The question is not whether pipelines are “essential to our society.”  Pipelines are already integral to the country. The US had over 1,700,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines in 2014. The fairness of pipeline easements to landowners is a separate matter. I have addressed that in blog articles on my website. When a pipeline leak occurs, it only deflects from the problem at hand to discuss a pipeline’s place in modern society. The media puts its attention on the statements of politicians after a pipeline leak has occurred.  Such media attention does address the question of how to manage the risk.  Operating systems will malfunction. The process for legally authorizing operating systems should not. To paraphrase Norman Vincent Peale, the problem with most publically regulated systems is that they would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.

On April 2nd, 2016 TransCanada announced that its Keystone 1 pipeline was leaking crude oil. Whatever leak detection system was in place on the pipeline failed, as the leak was discovered and reported by a local South Dakota landowner. On April 5th the operator shut down the pipeline. TransCanada initially reported that 187 gallons had been spilled. Days later they reported that over 18,600 gallons of oil had already leaked from the pipeline. This leak is one of the largest in the history of the State. The relevant question should be how regulated pipeline leaks will be cleaned up, and who will pay for them.

Under both Federal and state laws, the party responsible for a leak is the one responsible for cleanup. Usually a company like TransCanada prefers to take care of the cleanup itself. Not only does this help soothe public relations problems resulting from a leak, but it helps the operator control the costs. While South Dakota’s Department of Environmental and Natural Resources is supervising of the cleanup, TransCanada is currently managing the cleanup and hiring the contractors for the job. But a pipeline operator causing a spill may not always be willing or able to clean up a spill. The liable operator could be bankrupt, dissolved, or perhaps not have the money. In these cases, clean up cannot wait for years of court cases or bureaucratic lethargy. The money for a cleanup needs to be there, ready to be used.

The state tells us that ‘them what operates a car must financially assure the public against the risk of its operation.’ Thus, the state has mandatory car insurance.  Alas, no such state mandatory insurance law protects the public against the risk of a pipeline spill. The last time a bill was introduced to create financial assurances like this was 2008 (Senate Bill 138 from the 2008 session). This proposed law was a good start. The bill stated in part:

“…financial assurance, in a reasonable and proper amount for the remediation of potential damage to the environment that could be caused by the activity . . . may include insurance, a surety bond, escrow account, letter of credit, trust, guarantee, or cash deposit.”

Of course, special interest killed this bill.

South Dakota has in place a trust fund, created through taxes, which is available to pay for emergency response to spills, and ideally to cover for situations where the operator does not or cannot pay. According to the state, these would be the funds used for cleanup operations if TransCanada was not paying.

The problem is that this fund is not bottomless. DENR’s FY 2015 budget request reports that the 2013 end-of-year balance on the fund was $2.93 million. When a big spill happens, the fund could be strained. For example, the fund spent $1,750,000 in 2008. DENR estimates that the fund may have to manage as many as 200 to 250 spills every year, because this fund doesn’t just cover oil spills – it also has to cover spills of pesticides, fertilizers, and any other hazardous substances and pollutants. Bills have been introduced to create a special fund to cover just pipeline leaks in the SD legislature in 2009, 2010, and 2011. The proposals were shot down every time. It is only a matter of time before there is a large spill that does not have a company around to pay for the cleanup. And the damages from such a spill could be significant, especially if the leaked substance enters groundwater and spreads. When that happens, the remaining funds in the SDRSR are not going to make a dent. The legislature needs to create a modern statute addressing financial assurances for pipeline leaks.

David Ganje practices law in the area of natural resources, environmental and commercial law in South Dakota and North Dakota. His website is