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Archive for the ‘Water Regulation’ Category

Does Eminent Domain Apply to Water Rights?

Posted on: February 7th, 2016
by David Ganje

Does Eminent Domain Apply to Water Rights?

Eminent domain is one of the toughest and most controversial legal powers available to a government. The doctrine of eminent domain allows a governmental body to convert privately owned land to another use, often over the objections of the current landowner. This process is commonly known as ‘condemning the land.’ There are rules, of course. A private landowner must be paid “just compensation” for the condemnation of their land. I have written several blog articles regarding the matter of just compensation. Further, the land that is to be taken must be taken to further a beneficial public use.

The ability to exercise eminent domain is so powerful that it almost always remains a final legal option left to state and government bodies. In North Dakota, a little-known law allows private citizens to exercise eminent domain. North Dakota law states that “The United States, or any person, corporation, limited liability company, or association [may] exercise the right of eminent domain to acquire for a public use any property or rights existing when found necessary for the application of water to beneficial uses.” Private citizens as well as corporations may exercise the immense power of eminent domain – but only when it comes to using water for a beneficial use.

North Dakota evaluates whether or not a citizen is able to put water to a beneficial use through a permit system. The law requires “any person, before…appropriating waters of the state…, shall first secure a water permit from the state engineer.” There are few sources of water (groundwater, surface water, river water, etc.) within the limits of the state that are not subject to such a water permit. The power of eminent domain can only be harnessed in order to put water to a beneficial use. For this reason, a citizen cannot successfully exercise eminent domain without first having a water permit.

The right of eminent domain may come into play when a private citizen or corporation wants to use water for a beneficial use, but needs access to land they don’t own in order to access water. What is a beneficial use? North Dakota law is intentionally vague on this subject. It says beneficial use is the use of water for “a purpose consistent with the best interest of the people of the state.”

Traditionally the landowner who desires the use of a water source, having first secured a state permit, will negotiate an easement with the landowner who owns the land on which the water sits. But this does not always work out. Such was the case in Mougey Farms v. Kaspari, a 1998 North Dakota Supreme Court case. The plaintiff, Mougey, owned farmland neighboring the defendant Kaspari’s land. Kaspari’s land also bordered the Sheyenne River. Mougey wanted to use the Sheyenne River as a water supply to irrigate his land. To that purpose Mougey approached Kaspari to negotiate a lease of his land in order to build a water transport system connecting Mougey’s irrigation system to the Sheyenne River. Kaspari agreed, the two signed a lease, and the irrigation system was built across Kaspari’s land without incident. The lease began in 1979 and continued for almost seventeen years.

In 1996 Kaspari informed Mougey that the lease would not be renewed, and Mougey would no longer be allowed to transport water from the Sheyenne River to Mougey’s farmland. This left Mougey without a source of water for irrigation. Mougey brought suit with an eminent domain claim against Kaspari’s land – in other words, he brought a suit to condemn the part of Kaspari’s land on which the water pipeline stood, asking for the right to continue piping water from the river to his irrigation system. Though this argument was rejected in the lower court, the North Dakota Supreme Court held that “irrigation of farmland under a perfected water permit issued by the State Engineer is a beneficial use of water consistent with the best interests of the people of North Dakota, which we conclude satisfies the ‘public use’ requirement.” The Supreme Court of North Dakota held that a private citizen could exercise the power of eminent domain in order to condemn part of his neighbor’s land, so long as the condemnation was in support of an approved public use of water.

The law lays out what public uses trigger the right of eminent domain. It states, “oil, gas, coal, and carbon dioxide pipelines and works” and the plants for supplying the above, together with “lands, buildings, and all other improvements” needed to for the purpose of “generating, refining, regulating, compressing, transmitting, or…development and control” are all public uses capable of triggering eminent domain.

The question is whether or not use of water fits a category. Is the use one that supports “generating, refining, regulating, compressing, transmitting,” or “development and control” of oil and/or natural gas? This issue may be considered regarding one of the most important uses of water in the oil and gas industry, hydraulic fracturing. There are parallels that can be drawn between the use of water for irrigation seen in Mougey Farms and the use of water for hydraulic fracturing.

Energy developers and landowners should be aware of this eminent domain statute and the possibility of its use. Both parties need to remember that when water rights are involved in a public use, the prospect of eminent domain is conceivable. The North Dakota Supreme Court teaches us that the ‘eminent domain of water statute’ allows individuals or companies to acquire for public use property when found necessary for using water for beneficial purposes.

David Ganje. David Ganje of Ganje Law Offices practices in the area of natural resources, environmental and commercial law in South Dakota and North Dakota. The website is

Letter to the Editor: A South Dakota Water Lottery

Posted on: October 20th, 2014
by David Ganje

Letter to the Editor: A South Dakota Water Lottery

Posted Aberdeen American News, Farm Forum: Monday, October 13, 2014 9:08 am

by David Ganje

While it has yet to come to the attention of the national environmental and natural resources community, the South Dakota state legislature passed a first-in-the-nation law this year in the field of natural resources. The state will use a ‘lottery system’ for the issuance of certain state managed water permits. The water lottery system is combined with a moratorium on water use for identified water bodies managed by the state. Under current South Dakota law, all water within the state’s jurisdiction is property of the people of the state. The right to the use of water may be acquired by private parties and municipalities by a state-managed appropriation procedure. The state has been historically a first in time, first in right state when granting water use rights. South Dakota’s ‘water management’ jurisdiction does not however apply to Indian Country or on federal lands. Water use in South Dakota is authorized when the state Water Management Board grants a private, beneficial use of the state’s water resources. An example of a private use is an irrigation permit. A water use permit is issued either as a new water use or as a vested water right for an existing water use if it predates 1955.

The new water lottery system comes into play in situations where the state Water Board has determined that an existing groundwater source is ‘fully appropriated.’ A water source is fully appropriated when the state rules that no new or further access to the water should be granted because it would prejudice the ability of the water source to recharge to an acceptable level. The lottery system will not apply to open or unappropriated aquifers. The Water Board under the new legislation can accept water permit applications even for a fully appropriated aquifer. A 30 day application time period will also be set for a fully appropriated aquifer by public notice. The notice gives prospective applicants the right to apply under the lottery system. The applications are then placed in a lottery drawing system. The actual method for drawing successful applicants has not yet been implemented but will be announced in the next several weeks. The ‘winning’ applicants will then have to wait under the state’s five-year moratorium on approval of permits in those instances when the state has made a designation of a ‘fully appropriated aquifer.’

A lottery system for resource development permits has been used in the past, but never by a state for access to state managed water. The U.S. Bureau of Land Management used a lottery system for granting oil and gas leases until 1987 but has not used it since. The state, of course, does not call this new law a lottery system. I do. The new unchallenged law describes the lottery system as a procedure in which, “the board shall create a priority list using a random selection process to be determined by the board.” This new lottery system is an effort to cure problems in past experiences when an aquifer is placed in a moratorium. One cannot criticize the conceptual fairness of the new law. The statutes attempt to treat water permit applicants seeking access to a particular aquifer equally by using the “random selection process” in a moratorium scenario. The law itself has some challenges in its language as well as in its untested procedure. It is soon to be implemented by the state Water Board and the S.D. DENR. The new law is a unique effort by the state to deal with natural resources stewardship issues. In that regard the legislature should be applauded. Will the bar of reason support this brave new attempt at fairness? Time will tell.


Tags: Environmental Law, Infrastructure Security, Natural Resources Law, Water Law, Water Regulation, Water Rights, Water Systems Security

Illinois Association of American Water Works Recognizes Ganje’s Water Workshops

Posted on: September 19th, 2014
by David Ganje

Illinois Association of American Water Works Recognizes Ganje’s Water Workshops

The Illinois Section of the American Water Works Association (ISAWWA) has recognized David Ganje of Ganje Law Offices for his recent workshops given for the Association.  David Ganje recently presented two specialized workshops to the ISAWWA on the subjects of water law and water security. The Association wrote letters of appreciation to Mr. Ganje for the work and will use the presentations in future workshops.

Ganje Selected as Super Lawyer for 2014

Posted on: September 1st, 2014
by David Ganje

Ganje selected as Super Lawyer for 2014

David Ganje has been selected to the 2014 New York Super Lawyers list in the category of energy and natural resources. Each year no more than five percent of the lawyers in the state are selected by the research team at Super Lawyers to receive this honor. Super Lawyers is a rating service of outstanding lawyers from more than 70 practice areas who have attained a high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement

Missouri River & Ogallala Aquifer Indian Water Rights Conference 2014

Posted on: July 11th, 2014
by David Ganje

Missouri River & Ogallala Aquifer Indian Water Rights Conference 2014

Hosted by:          Great Plains Tribal Water Alliance

Event Sponsors:         Standing Rock Sioux Tribe..Ogala Sioux Tribe..Rosebud Sioux Tribe



Presentation:          Tribal Water Codes – Their Administration and Enforcement

Part 1

Historical And Legal Context As Well As Some Relevant Case Law Affecting Tribal Water Codes

Part 2

Issues, Strategy And Recommendations For Writing And Maintaining Successful Tribal Water Codes


Presentation by:

David L Ganje

Ganje Law Offices                                                                              Web: